...I suspect I may be the luckiest kid in the world

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Life with Different Sized Feet

I knew it was time for a visit to the Brocki House/Salvation Army/Opp Shop/Second Hand Store.
I know this because yesterday I was walking in our village and my heart quickened when it saw second hand clothing in the window of a shop. Thankfully I have a quicker brain because it was a Dry Cleaner's shop.
Close call. That could have been embarrassing.

It did make me wonder if many people ever go into clothing repair shops, dry cleaners etc and just browse through the items.

And so today i set out in search of a form of heaven on earth and went to one right next to the main train station in Zurich.
I did discover that my feet are not the same size as each other. Or perhaps that pair of shoes didn't quite match up.
I hope it was the latter.
I was pretty happy to discover a Europe travel book (this will of course save me money in the long run) and a cute little handbag (this will help carry my money for the long run).

And so for now I feel content. Until I see the next dry cleaner's shop.


  1. Differnt size feet or just strange Swiss shoes?

    Tough call.


  2. I'm sure you could find some better things in a dry cleaners shop than anything in an op shop.

  3. Kylie,
    You are such a hoot! Love reading your blog!

  4. So, hey, you made your way to that pink Zürcher Brokenhaus! Not that grand huh. I'll HAVE to take you to that infamous Brockiland!

  5. Um.. unfortunately, I for SURE have different sized feet. The left one is a half size bigger than the right one. If I were rich, I'd by two pairs of shoes in the two different sizes just to have a pair that fits properly!
