...I suspect I may be the luckiest kid in the world

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Swiss Story By Kylie: THE END

It's a strange thing to move from your country of residence.

Ciao Ciao Switzerland. Thanks for having me.

China, I'm coming. Please be nice. I don't speak your language.

Australia, see you in a week.

A Swiss Story By Kylie: The End.

(There might be an epilogue somewhere down the track)


  1. :( for end of glorious swiss adventures in blog!

    :D:D:D:D:D for getting Kylie back in our hemisphere!

  2. Kylie,
    Please do not stop writing. We love it. It has been huge fun reading about the whole adventure, but we'd like to hear about what comes next.

    Hope you have a safe journey home and a great time in China!

  3. noooooooooooooo.

    Agreed, please don't stop writing. Don't make me send you another black journal. Maybe I'll just bring one with me...

  4. Six more days...!
    (Don't stop writing!)

  5. You are going to make us cry.........and then laugh!

  6. Ahh the end... congrats on your move to China and we'll welcome you back in Australia soon! ;)

  7. What a wonderful time we have had reading your blogs, waited nearly every day for them. Hurry home

  8. It has been an amazing adventure to follow!

  9. I've loved reading your blog. I hope you can come back to lovely Switzerland someday. In the meantime, God bless your journey.
